Currently Michelle Lee is preparing for the new arrival of her baby. The new mum to be is now resting at home with husband away from the limelight.

The Asia Pacific PETA (People for the Ethnic Treatment of Animals) had been unhappy with Michelle’s decision to sport real fur coats in her past appearances at events. The group revealed that they will be sending a letter to Michelle’s management.

A representative of the group openly revealed the content of the letter. The content details the group incentive to try to persuade Michelle to stop wearing animal fur. It stated “Michelle, you are wearing animal fur and it is like killing the animals yourself and having blood on your hands.” The content also included more personal comments about Michelle, including the fact that she as a mum to be and hopefully her ‘Rabbit’ baby will make her realised that killing rabbits or any animal for their fur is not acceptable in this society. Young rabbits are killed screaming, similar to how a baby will cry. Finally, encourages Michelle as a public figure, to not wear fur in the coming New Year and set a good example for others.

Michelle’s manager, Joseph Chan expressed that they have not received any email of this sort and do not know if Michelle personally have received such a letter. Joseph revealed that he has accompanied Michelle in many events and had rarely seen her wore any animal fur outfits.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated By: Elvina Chang @ TVB News World

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