Angelababy transformed into a ChocolateBaby when she wore the Chocolate Dress design from one of Lady Gaga's designers, Petra Storrs, while dripping with chocolate sauce, for a photoshoot. The photos will be showcased at the Harbor City Art Show. This time's photoshoot was an unforgettable experience for Baby, who spent the hours from 10pm until 4am wearing a 10lb necklace and covered in chocolate sauce from head to toe.

Baby expressed that the first look was "Dark Chocolate", and she happily changed into a little Thai lady... until the workers climbed a tall ladder to dump a bucket of chocolate sauce on her, at which point in time she loudly expressed her nervousness.

Chocolate sauce stings eyes, causes tears

In the cold winter, Baby was asked to shoot at a 15 degree room with chocolate sauce poured from head to toe. The chocolate sauce entered her eyes and caused tears to flow constantly, while her face was completely covered in the brown sauce. She had to pose nonstop for the camera until it was a wrap, at which time four workers accompanied her to the showers to wash the chocolate off her dress. Baby laughed that it was the first time so many people had accompanied her for a shower. When she finally returned home, she spent another two hours showering but still felt engulfed by the chocolatey smell. Luckily, she enjoys eating chocolate on a regular basis, but decided that a chocolate facial was something best experienced only once.

Source: Mingpao
Translation: casablanca-- @ AsianFanatics

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