
Chrissie Chow and Kate Tsui attended North Point to record for Stars on the Menu and also promote for their new film The Perfect Wedding. Chrissie expressed that when she was 8 she used pressure cooker to make congee, but accidently started a fire. Since then, after her mother did not allow her to enter the kitchen. Chrissie exposed that she made steak and goose liver for her boyfriend, but he criticized that it was really dry.

Rarely shops at the street markets, Kate said that she usually goes to the supermarkets, asked when she plans to marry someone? She said: "Don't think about it, my mom has rushed me, she said now that she's still young, can help me babysit. She wants me to have children. (Will you be unmarried mother?) No, I cannot accpet that, I am rather conservative in that area."

Source: Oriental Daily

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