
Sunny Chan, Roger Kwok and Ron Ng's Wax and Wane is currently broadcasting, and the TV ratings have not been ideal. The first week's broadcast only averaged at 25 points. This week, the ratings gradually rises. It was understood that TVB initially wanted to tailor this series into another Heart of Greed, so they arranged a family feud among the two families in the series.

Unexpectedly, not only did this not help the ratings, it also made audience fed up with the series. Due to this fact, TVB received many complaints. Among them was Sunny's performance in arguing scenes. His acting was "too rough" and "too over". A Netizen even crowned him as the 'second Alex Man'. It was said to help reduce the 'fire' (anger) among Netizens, TVB already had a meeting to discuss a rescue plan. After negotiation, TVB decides to cut out Sunny's scenes.

Regarding to the rumor, reporters asked Producer Nelson Cheung to confirm. He admitted that he has paid attention to the Netizen's comments and said he's responsible for the poor ratings: "This time, the story is deliberately covering the truth, so at first everyone may not understand why the two families are that fierce or maybe audience don't like how the story is told." As for Sunny Chan's fierce performance becoming the 'second Alex Man', Nelson supported him: "Sunny is a very good actor, although this time he is a little over, but I didn't go prevent that and that is my responsibility." He also denied cutting out Sunny's scenes: "Just complying with audience comments and do suitable cutting. We will alter the scenes that are too rough."

As for the 'second Alex Man' title, Sunny does not mind: "Why would I be unhappy? Alex Man is a very good actor, how can I say it's not good? An artist is very passive, just following the script. It is hard to make everyone like it." He also said he does not mind the Producer cutting some of his scenes out: "Should look at audience preference and make suitable adjustments."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translator: aZnangel@AEU

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