For the past one and a half months, Steven Ma had been busy 'digging gold' in Australia, New York, Toronto and Mainland China. Recently, he went to Zhong Shan for a performance organized by a real estate development company, and was handsomely rewarded for it. Ma Zai is grateful to TVB and his manager for obtaining so many performance engagements for him, but more so, he is grateful to Ghost Writer, the series, for opening up numerous money-making opportunities for him.

As to Ghost Writer garnering high ratings despite being pitted against World Cup, I ask Ma Zai if he has confidence competing for the TV King award? He says nonchalantly: "Just go with the flow lah! It's beyond my control." But en route to Zhong Shan he had a strange encounter. He says: "En route to Zhong Shan for my gig, I saw many strange looking sights in the sky. First, saw a cloud that shaped like Buddha. Then I saw two lightning flashes, one after another. Both times flashed as twin bolts, and sank straight down towards the sea. I saw that the cloud shapes were very unusual so I immediately picked up my camera to snap pictures of them. When we reached the hotel, I had the staff take my photos. When we looked at the photos, all of us immediately cried out. The cloud looked like a giant hand palm. Really looked like it."

The sighting of a "cloud palm", could it be a lucky omen from heaven intimating that Ma Zai will get the tvb king big award? When Ma Zai hears the word, 'award', he laughs so hard he cannot stop. He says: "Haha! If true, then it's not bad at all! But, don't know if the company will give me the "Buddha's Divine Award" 『如來神獎』or not? "

Source: takungpao.com.hk 2010-10-9
Translator: Tamaya @ AsianFanatics

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