Steven Ma and Charmaine Li attended a public event as ambassadors. As his nose allergies is acting up again, he has to bravely risk getting off-key to perform a song. He said: "On my 26th birthday I won the lottery, the third prize which was over a 1 million. Too bad there were 110 people who also won, so I only got 30 something thousand. The winning ticket was given to me by my assistant as a birthday gift. So I had to split half of it with [him/her] (How did you spend it?) Treat friends to a meal. (It was reported that you told Pierre to get lost [from industry]?) Pierre already called me and told me he never said that. He felt that this really angered me and he's sorry. He only said there was a senior who's words were hurtful to him. I have to explain too, to prove my innocence. I am a man that will not say 'get lost', also it was only last year that I started worked with Pierre, we never collaborated before then. The incident will be pass to my lawyer to handle." (TN: The news article regarding the rumor is here)

Charmaine Li once participated in Junior Police Call, she expressed that before she learned Kung Fu at HK Central Police Station. Asked if her Kung Fu skills are useful in costume dramas? She said: "The costume dramas I'm in, it is not required for me to fight. This time the costume drama I am working on is The King Among Phoenix with Jessica Hsuan. (It was rumored that Jessica is hard to get along with?) We had a great time working together, Jessica is a very good person, very nice!"

Source: On.cc
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU

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