Yes, Sir. Sorry! Sir. - 點解阿Sir係阿Sir (EPS 01-05) - 27 PTS

Relic of an Emissary - 洪武三十二 (EPS 11-15) - 25 PTS

Be Home For Dinner - 誰家灶頭無煙火 (EPS 15-19) - 23 PTS

Variety Shows
Hong Kong Asian Pop Music Festival - 香港亞洲流行音樂節2011 - 10 PTS (640,000 viewers)

- 'Relic' received 1 complaint on the slaughtering of fresh fish scene, that it was animal abuse. {Reference photo}
- 'Yes Sir' received 14 complaints on the scenes that involved fighting, which is a bad influence on children.
- William Chan scared away 1.47 million viewers (23 PTS) at the "HK Asian Pop Music Festival", with the ratings falling 23 points all at once.

Source: On.cc
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU

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