Since the breakout of Max Mok’s arrest, the news shocked the Hong Kong entertainment business. Fellow actor friends and acquaintances offer support and share thoughts of illicit drug abuse.

Simon Yam Tat-Wah: Max and I know each other quite well and we both enjoy sports. He has a very healthy image. This is a mistake but he has already apologized and is regretful about it. I hope this case will soon be resolved so that he will be given a chance. The entertainment business needs people who can act and I hope he can return to his work. On the aside, Simon noted that he does not go to night clubs and knows how to say ‘no’.

Nancy Sit Ga Yeen: It was heart breaking to see the video of Max’s arrest. Why does he and Suen Hing have to take drugs? These things need to be refused. To be honest, despite the number of years I’ve been in the entertainment industry, I do not socialize after work. I know of people how smoke and even those who veteran actors who take drugs, but I am not influenced by their decisions. Every field has pressure and I have chosen to deal with this by eating and singing to distress. To my own children, I try to pass on positive ways to live life since they were young.

Michael Tse Tin Wah: I don’ t know Suen Hing well but am more acquainted with Max Mok. I only learned about the arrests from reading the newspaper. My recollection of Max Mok is positive. When he released his first album and performance his songs, I was one of the dancers for the show. My initial impression was that he is handsome and healthy.

Since the event happened in Beijing, it’s hard to help him because he is so far away. The lay person often say that strange things happen in the entertainment business but I disagree. If people live by their principals and strong sense of virtue, they cannot be affected by the external environment.

Kevin Cheng Ka Wing: Even though I socialize at parties, I do not take drugs. I am not even enticed by it. I’m an adult and I have control over myself and know how to differentiate right from wrong. If I chose to walk the road of drugs then I need to take on the responsibility.

Source: on.cc
Translated by: Ms Nosin @ JayneStars

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