Yesterday Ella Koon attended a Food Expo and demonstrated cooking abalone in oyster sauce live on the spot. She said that usually loves eating abalone, but when she was young her family was not rich, so only got to eat substitution abalone.

Model Jacqueline Chong recently admitted getting a boob job and double eyelids surgery. Ella expressed that she knows Jacqueline because she collaborated with her boyfriend Deep Ng in a stage play before. Ella felt that Jacqueline is very brave, but she herself does not have the courage. Asked if she accepts plastic surgery, Ella directly said: "Every person's decision is different, being happy with the decision is the most important. I hope she beautiful after the surgery!" Ella said that she has never thought about plastic surgery, nor is she perfect and has her weaknesses, but she is currently satisfied with her looks.

Source: Singtao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU

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