Miss Asia Beauty Pageant 2010 will be held in November. This year restores the old 2007 system, allowing international Chinese to participate. After the Philippines tragedy, the organizers decided through yesterday's meeting that they will not invite Filipino pageants to participate in this year's contest. This is to avoid further deepening the ill feeling between Hong Kong and the Philippines. Miss Asia responsible person (Yip Ka bo) also mentioned that she is worried about the Filipino pageants will be excluded if they come to HK and will affect the contest results.

ATV PR spokesperson confirmed the news to the media through a phone call: "In order to avoid humiliation to the Filipino pageants, we have decided not to invite them to HK to participate in the contest. (Abusing power?) The tragedy is still fresh to the people of Hong Kong, to avoid embarrassment, this is the best solution. (Discriminate Filipinos?) Not discriminating, we are just considerate towards the pageants' feelings, we don't want them to get hurt."

TVB director of foreign affairs (Tsang Sing Ming) expressed that Miss Chinese International Pageant 2010 will have special treatment for the Filipino pageants. He said: "The contest will be held in Tianjin in November. This year will follow the old traditions, will have international contestants participate. Manila will represent Miss Chinese International, so not worried about having problems. Hong Kong audience are rational, will not direct their dissatisfaction for the Filipino police onto the Filipino pageants. And not to mention, the pageant is of Chinese descent."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU

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