The Top 10 Best Songs
1. Joey Yung 容祖兒 - My Own Book of Legends 搜神記
2. Eason Chan 陳奕迅- 700 Years Later 七百年後
3. Jason Chan 陳柏宇 - You Hide I Hide 你瞞我瞞
4. Vincy Chan/Hai Ming Wei 泳兒/海鳴威- My Memory Isn't Mine 我的回憶不是我的
5. Miriam Yeung 楊千嬅- Actually I Am Very Happy 原來過得很快樂
6. Ivana Wong 王菀之- Moon Says 月亮說
7. Janice Vidal 衛蘭- Even if the World has no Fairytales 就算世界無童話
8. Kay Tse 謝安琪- Song of the Year 年度之歌
9. Leo Ku 古巨基- Earth is Dangerous 地球很危險
10. Mr. – If I was Eason Chan 如果我是陳奕迅

RTHK Chinese Outstanding Singer Awards (優秀流行歌手大獎)
(Not in any particular order)
1. Eason Chan 陳奕迅
2. Joey Yung 容祖兒
3. Hins Cheung 張敬軒
4. Kay Tse 謝安琪
5. Raymond Lam 林峯
6. Miriam Yeung 楊千嬅
7. Khalil Fong 方大同
8. Leo Ku 古巨基
9. G.E.M 鄧紫棋
10. Janice Vidal 衛蘭
11. Mr.
12. Ivana Wong 王菀之
13. Charlene Choi 蔡卓妍

RTHK Chinese Most Outstanding Female Singer Award (最優秀女歌手獎):
Joey Yung 容祖兒

RTHK Chinese Most Outstanding Male Singer Award (最優秀男歌手獎):
Eason Chan 陳奕迅

RTHK Chinese Most Outstanding Newcomer Awards (最有前途新人獎):
Gold: Kate Tsui 徐子珊
Silver: Hinson Chow 周子揚
Bronze: Jonathan Wong 王梓軒

RTHK Chinese Most Outstanding Mandarin Song Awards (優秀流行國語歌曲獎):
Khalil Fong 方大同 - 三人遊 A Trip For 3 People

CASH Outstanding Composer Singer Award (CASH 最佳創作歌手獎):
Justin Lo 側田 – B.O.K

RTHK Chinese Most Improved of the Year Award (全年最佳進步獎):
Gold: G.E.M 鄧紫棋
Silver: Shermon Chung 鍾舒漫
Bronze: Rubberband

RTHK Country’s Most Outstanding Singer Awards (全國最佳歌手獎):
Male: Eason Chan 陳奕迅
Female: Joey Yung 容祖兒
Group: Sodagreen 蘇打綠

RTHK Country’s Most Outstanding Song Awards (全國最佳中文歌曲獎):
Yes & No - Hins Cheung 張敬軒

RTHK Global Chinese Best Song Award (全球華人至尊金曲獎):
七百年後 700 Years Later – Eason Chan 陳奕迅

RTHK Chinese Best Selling Singer Awards (全年最高銷量歌手大獎):
Male: Eason Chan 陳奕迅
Female: Joey Yung 容祖兒
Group: Mr.

RTHK 4 Stations 2008 Best Media Team Award (四台聯頒大獎 – 傳媒大獎):
Composer 作曲 – Mark Lui 雷頌德 , Jim Lau 柳重言
Lyricist 作詞 - Lam Chik 林夕
Singer 歌手 – Joey Yung 容祖兒

RTHK Golden Needle Award (金針獎):
Danny Chan 陳百強 (Award received by his father)

Source: Wiki/On.cc
Translated by: matchbox @ http://illusive-serenity.forumotion.net

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