Recently, there has been a pregnant woman who caught the swine flu, she was given a vaccine, but that lead to a miscarriage as a result. Currently 5 months pregnant, Cecilia Cheung read the report and shouted in fear. She expressed that for her baby's safety she is taking vitamins, sleeping early, waking early and won't get the vaccine, doing everything she can to maintain safety for "Fung-Ji B" (her unborn baby). The recent incident of the swine flu vaccine failing to protect the fetus has lower the public's confidence on getting the vaccine, the news especially frightens pregnant woman , including Cecilia.

As for her husband Nicholas Tse, who is often out filming and can easily come in contact with viruses, Cecilia said: "We have a child at home, I tell him to immediately shower and wash his hands when he comes home. I will also pay attention to personal hyigene."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU

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