
Towards the No Regrets story, Neitzens had different opinions. Although the majority praised the series "good to watch", after the finale, they lost the feeling. The Neitzens with high standards criticized the finale's flaws, even saying that No Regrets was worst than the first season Rosy Business. Neitzens told the ones who boasted the series earlier to fulfill their promises.

In the finale, Wayne's role Lau Sing lost his memory for several 10 years was just a rushed explanation, Neitzens felt it was a sloppy ending. This arrangement disappointed those who were chasing the series all along. They ask that those who once said: "if this series is not good, then will go pick cow crap", including Producer Lee Tim Shing, Wayne Lai and Fala Chen to fulfill their promises. One Neitzen changed the subtitles to one scene from "Eat Crap, Leung Fei Fan!" to "Eat Crap, Lee Tim Shing!"

Source: CRHK 903 Entertainment Team, TVB Channel
Translator: aZnangel@AEU

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