
Gun Metal Grey's Jessica Hsuan has said that she hasn't recieved invitations for TVB's Anniversary, but she said: "I expected it! I've talked about it to Wah Gorr(Felix Wong). These few years are different la! You just have to do your part now, as an actor/actress. If you get accepted by the public audience, it's enough already. Maybe Felix had left the (entertainment) circle for too long that he doesn't know! He(Felix) is a good actor, if he gives up acting, it will be very disappointing. He's tried his best at this, even if he doesn't get favoured, it's ok.

TVB should be very fair. Actually, the series (Gun) has had many supporters. I sometimes hear young girls talking about Felix and Michael Miu when I'm doing my facial. This proves they've won the heart of the girls."

As the series' other female lead, Nancy Wu, heard that Felix was "attacking" TVB and responded: "Felix is a very cunning. By saying what he said, he had another purpose for it. He was actually trying to find another way to promote/"sell" the series." (Will you call him up for dinner some time?) All the cast actually have a great relationship in the REAL world. Everytime we think that a shooting went well, we would all go out to eat." She also revealed that she would attend the TVB Awards Ceremony.

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