
A Fistful of Stances Finale - 鐵馬尋橋大結局 - (EP 24) (SUNDAY 2-HR Finale) - 37 PTS (Peaking at 43 PTS)

A Fistful of Stances - 鐵馬尋橋 (EPS 19-23) - 32 PTS

Suspects in Love - 搜下留情 (EPS 06-10) - 28 PTS

O.L Supreme - 女王辦公室 (EPS 36-40) - 26 PTS

Variety Shows

Super Trio Master Game Preshow Part 1- 超級遊戲獎門人大爆發 (第一部分) - 25 PTS
Big Fun Hong Kong - 千奇百趣香港地 (EPS 01-05) - 25 PTS
Fun With Liza and Gods - 荃加福禄寿 (EP 04) - 25 PTS (Dropped 4 PTS)
Super Trio Master Game Preshow Part 2 - 超級遊戲獎門人大爆發 (第二部分) - 24 PTS


The 29th Hong Kong Film Awards - 第二十九屆香港電影金像獎頒獎禮 - 9.5 PTS (Peaking at 15.2 PTS)


- The Broadcast Authority received 25 complaints on the "Super Trio" games being too rough, dangerous and bad influence on children.
- TVB received an additional 4 complaints of viewers unsatisfied with "Super Trio"
- Viewership percentage wise, ATV's broadcast beats TVB's ratings.
- Broadcast Authority also received 1 complaint regarding to the guest on "Hong Kong Film Awards" promoting TVB program on stage. (since the show is broadcast on ATV network)

(CSM Media Research: 1 point represents 63,740 audience)

Source: On.cc, Mingpao, TVB, CSM (courtesy of wacow)
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU

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