Not only is Kate Tsui’s (徐子珊) appearance extremely cool, actually her personality is also very much like a guy. It was revealed that Kate loves to wear slippers to the filming set, highly blending into the “commoner” world! However, this instead attracted the “favour” of Bosco Wong (黃宗澤), ganging up with a few macho men to play around with Kate from time to time. Just hearing the overall presence makes Bosco a clear winner! Kate who came from a Miss Hong Kong background, possessed both brains and beauty. However when faced with such a strong presence, Kate was defenseless and had no choice but to be their “Miss Congeniality Fun Time” and get fooled around by them. It was seriously quite tragic!

Not Awkward Acting As A Couple In Intimate Scenes

B= Bosco Wong; K= Kate Tsui

B: My first time filming with you should be the 2005 Early Republic drama, The Price of Greed "千謊百計" At that time, when I saw you, you looked like a poor thing! The Price of Greed was already filming around the clock, filming in the day and in the night. Yet, you still had to start filming on Eye In The Sky "跟蹤"! I remembered that your role in The Price of Greed was very hard to act. You had to break down everyday, add in a bit of craziness and had shouting dialogues to perform. However, at that time, you couldn’t shout it out so I purposely went near you and made myself a nuisance by asking you whether you knew that you were hindering me from wrapping up work on filming. I asked you to hurry up but actually you know, I was trying to help you lehs!

K: Wahs, thank you very much lor! Such a tiring and difficult role to play, having a good counterpart makes a lot of difference. Besides helping me out everyday in that drama, you also taught me about acting stuff outside of it too.

B: Afterall, I have acted for quite a few years so sometimes when one feels like he/she doesn’t know how to handle (a role) and doesn’t dare to ask and consult, he/she has to learn through many years of experience.

K: Whatever it is, you are still counted as my senior lor! After that, I didn’t collaborate with you for a long time. But we did go to TVB’s Annual Dinner together and the Sales Presentation to perform some dancing.

B: That period of time was the worst point of our lives because we kept filming and filming until it got so tough that I felt tired all the time. Besides that, we didn’t have time to rehearse our performance properly, rehearsed two times and that’s it, we had to perform on stage already. Actually I was very impatient back then, thinking in my heart so what exactly do you all want me to do? After that, things gradually got a little better. Just wanted to share with you, was wondering whether you felt that it was a great contrast to the old ‘me’ back then who would voice out immediately if I had many grievances or unhappiness?

K: I discovered that everyone would behave that way when we are young.

B: Every one of us has a spark of fire in their hearts mahs! However, that fire will eventually be extinguished in the later parts of life.

K: Actually I think that fire is still in us but we placed it in other areas and turned into knowing how to control it well. I remembered collaborating with you for Don Juan DeMercado "情人眼裏高一D", acting as someone who had romantic liaisons with you. We had plenty of fun on set, playing around with Kitty Yuen (阮小儀) and Wong Cho Lam (王祖藍) and that genre was also relaxing. Recently, we were paired up again for Lives of Omission "潛行狙擊", acting as lovers. Do you feel that I had any change (as compared to the past)?

B: I feel that we share some similarities in terms of personalities.

K: Normally, people wouldn’t like anyone who is like him/her (referring to clashing of personalities). On my first day of filming, I joined Lives of Omission late, about a month later than you and because I immediately had to rush filming for another set of drama. Do you remember me asking you why must you especially find me (to film Lives of Omission with you) as well as filming two series back-to-back was tough. I might be very unhappy and didn’t want to drag you down with me. I was afraid that when my character appeared, the effect wouldn’t be as good.

B: I thought I already told you that no one could handle this role of “Paris” except you?

K: It seems like you are only thinking too highly of me, in the spur of a moment!

The Role Isn’t Up To Bosco To Choose

B: For your “Paris” role in Lives of Omission, others who are on the similar “grade” as you (Bosco likely meant first line female artistes in TVB), it wasn’t suitable to put them in that role. I did think about it. Tavia Yeung (楊怡) wasn’t suitable. Apart from the inner personality, this character matched your outer appearance extremely well. You aren’t also exactly one who has a humble jaded girl image but more like someone with a cool personality. You are okay with wearing sexy outfits and revealing a little and that was one of the requirements of this role. Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) wasn’t really suitable. Fala Chen (陳法拉) was also suitable for this role but it was inappropriate since she was already casted in Lives of Omission. Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) didn’t suit this role either.

K: After we completed filming for Lives of Omission, do you still think I was suitable for this role?

B: Then did you remember that before filming began, I already told you that my character in Lives of Omission will be like a beast to you?

K: At that time you said it very agitatedly.

B: I said my character in Lives of Omission will pull your hair and bite you, not what normal couples would do like doting, kissing and hugging.

K: At that time, I was startled and asked you whether you were kidding me mahs. Then when we picked up the script; you also knew about it right? I asked the executive producer of Lives of Omission why did they specially find me to act this role.

B: Aiyahs, no such thing that you couldn’t handle this role lahs. I saw you picking it up really quickly after joining the team.

K: Well, a good partner is also very important. One must be very familiar with each other first since episode 2 or 3, we were already filming of intimate scenes.

*Warning: Spoilers of “Lives of Omission” ahead*

B: You were thinking that diving straight into the intimate scene at a deserted forest area would frighten the audiences so before that, you requested for a kiss to lead into the scene first!

K: And also the two scenes in Yuan Long where we filmed until we were sweating buckets behind our back!

B: Early in the morning at 9 AM, we filmed a scene of me getting hacked and immediately running off to the big patch of grass. You are a girl and you already sweated like mad and we still had to perform a kissing scene at the top of the mountain. Fortunately, I’m very familiar with you and see you as a guy.

K: At least it wasn’t embarrassing and we don’t need much adjustment to each other. Luckily I’m extremely familiar with someone’s girlfriend! ” At this time, Bosco immediately held up the restaurant’s menu and pretended to take a look while Kate quickly ducked. “Wahs, that was such a close call! Haha! At least before that, I know for sure that that someone won’t be angry.” (Did you report this case to his girlfriend first?) “I felt that it wasn’t necessary to do so as she will understand that we were only working.”

B: I didn’t hit you with the menu, only trying to play a prank on you mahs, so scared for what.

Wearing Slippers To Work On Set For A Reason

K: From the very first day that I joined the team, you guys made me feel so at home!

B: It wasn’t only me (who made you feel at home) but also Michael Tse (謝天華) and the fun-loving director. All of us targeted you to be the subject of our jokes. But everyone was only fooling around on set and won’t actually go rough on you. Maybe because your personality is like a guy and not like a girl. With me, you and Michael, we will sure die! (Bosco stated in a joking manner).

K: You guys were not quiet at all. Even when talking, you guys were so loud.

B: You still dare to say we were noisy when you talked the most amongst us.

K: You guys make disturbing me your daily must-do. Furthermore, I had to don tight-fitting tops, mini skirts and high heels for filming.

B: You were transformed into a sexy OL (Office Lady) lehs. If we don’t prank you, who else should we prank? We film for many hours every day lehs!

K: I thus became the source of entertainment for everyone and was “Miss Congeniality Fun Time,” responsible for making people feel happy.

B: Even when the director “played you to death”, you were so frightened.

K: Facing against ten men was super embarrassing! I’m actually quite familiar with Michael myself. You guys asked me to work in the center all day long but placed yourself on both sides. It was scary; I didn’t know what to do. I was a very poor thing lehs for over two months!

B: Your image when returning to work was even more manly than guys, wearing slippers on set. Sometimes I don’t understand and wonder what kind of girl are you, really.

K: What, Faye Wong (王菲) also wears slippers too!

B: Yeah but the way you walk with those slippers is different from how others walk in them mahs!

K: Then that means you are trying to say that I have no poise and elegance lor. I do wear jeans to work!

B: But the way you walked in and out of the studio is like a guy.

K: And you always say that the way I speak is rough.

B: Maybe I’m more image conscious lahs, I always look in the mirror and check my outfit before heading out. As for you, you always wear T-shirts, jeans and slippers!

K: But I’m a really casual person. Do you know why I wear slippers to work? It’s because when filming I have to be in high heels. If I wear bowling or sports shoes to work, there will be a sock imprint on my leg which can be seen clearly in high heels. I have my own difficulties for this role!

B: And you still wanted the high heels to be 4, 5 or 6 inches high!

K: Well, you are tall mahs! When I knew my acting partner would be you, I especially went to buy them to match your height lehs! I can’t help but admit that I’m like a guy. I already tried my best to behave like a girl!

B: Well, it’s also a good thing that your personality is like that, because then you can be a girl sometimes and a guy sometimes and eat as many times as you want lor!

K: Wahs! Thank you very much ah!

B: Usually if there aren’t any filming together, we rarely contact each other. I think it’s a convenience sickness. For me, I don’t meet with a lot of friends everyday. It’s usually with the same group of people but we don’t work together. After shooting a series, the friendship remains but we don’t see each other everyday. Michael and I don’t meet once a week for a meal together. Once we bump into each other, we will horse around happily with each other.

Acting Is An Accumulation Of Life Experiences

K: You and me, we both came from a public housing background to shooting of series and releasing of albums. Which do you feel particularly interested in?

B: If I must only choose one of the two, I would prefer acting. Sometimes, when I’m thinking, I would feel that it (acting) doesn’t allow you to have your own personality. At the same time, I feel that it’s an enjoyment. Everyday, friends ask me why do I look so unhappy recently but I’m not unhappy, I’m just throwing myself into the character.”

K: Filming together with you makes me happy. Even our hairstylist say that you have the sweetest tongue. I feel that I’m not as good as you in this aspect because I really do not know how to please people.

B: I don’t know if this trait of mine is considered a good thing. When filming, yes, it’s a good thing because if everyone’s happy, the filming atmosphere is also good. I will choose to say the good things and avoid saying bad things. My personal policy is that you don’t have the obligation to be angered by me unless you are under my payroll or you did something very wrong.

K: You have been in the Hong Kong entertainment circle for so long; have you ever experienced anything that made you feel despondent?

B: None, nothing. Even if I’m unhappy, it will pass over quite quickly. Fortunately for me, the moment I work, I can dump all my troubles to the back of my head, focus and stop myself from thinking of other matters.

K: Yes, me too. Unhappy feelings will not continue to last for long and when I feel happy, I will even be in my own world and forget about it. I will make use of my role to vent my frustrations if the script calls for it, laughing and shouting can act as a form of release too. I do enjoy the few moments of being sucked into my character’s own world.

B: Filming does help in some ways. I have experienced the pressure that I used to have back in my schooling days. Looking in the mirror and smiling will make me feel like smiling non-stop. Also, I have read some newspaper article before and they said that exercise can make one forget his unhappiness. In that case, I will try to dance a little, film a little and biking for a while.

K: We have acted in quite a lot of TVB dramas. Do you have any past drama series (with you starring in it) that you would rather not watch? Hahahaha! As for me, I do not dare to say. When I first watched myself on television, I felt so embarrassed! I don’t know why!”

B: Acting skills are accumulated through life experiences. The more someone browses through the past shows he acted in, the more he will feel why did he acted this way in the past. It’s not a pretty sight.

K: Will you be releasing an album this year?

B: There are plans but not sure whether the record will be released in the end because basically I haven’t stopped any filming work yet.

K: As an actor, it is inevitable to have some mouth-to-mouth (kissing) scene. Since you already have a girlfriend in the entertainment circle, will it cause any obstacle?

B: All along, I have nothing going on (with my other female co-stars). Once I film, I just focus and act as it comes. It’s better not to have any intention on me. Actually I do enjoy collaborating with different people because it will give me inspirations and improve my acting skills.”

K: Then what inspirations have I given you?

B: You give me inspiration on how to play pranks on you lor. You are not an easy victim, in the middle of it all you still have retaliations lehs!

Source: Orientaldaily.on.cc

Translated by: Ah K @ JayneStars

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