
The judges for the upcoming 2011 Miss Hong Kong Pageant, including Moses Chan (陳豪) and Vivian Chow (周慧敏), with the 14 contestants yesterday. Returning to Hong Kong from overseas, Moses said he did not have time to pay attention to the contestants. He did not have a favorite contestant yet.

Reporters teased Moses that rumored girlfriend, Aimee Chan (陳茵媺), who was a former Miss Hong Kong winner must be the hottest! Moses laughed loudly, “I don’t know how to pick!” (What criteria do you have?) “I will look at the personality and communications skills, as the winners will represent Hong Kong.” (What about the body?) “As Miss Hong Kong, the figure does not need to be extremely good. It should be okay.”  (Did Aimee Chan meet all your conditions?) “Ha ha ha… okay ga! Okay ga!”

In addition, yesterday a reader revealed that contestant #3, Whitney Hui (許亦妮), received Botox injections. Whitney denied the rumors and generously asked the reporter to touch her face.  “I rarely get facials and would apply my own masks [at home] instead.”

Source: Orientaldaily.on.cc
Translated by: JayneStars

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