TVB Artist Ruco Chan rises in popularity after his performance in The Other Truth. Recently he has been busy shooting for new series ATF Terrorism, yesterday he was shooting a gun fight scene. During the time when he moved behind a car, a bomb exploded, and a broken glass piece flew into the corner of his eye and instantly started bleeding. The staff were very nervous seeing the accident, and the action director quickly went to Ruco's rescue. Fortunately the glass didn't get in his eye and he does not need get stitches at the hospital.

Yesterday Ruco said over the phone: "Its inevitable for injuries to happen when shooting action scenes, so have be mentally prepared. As there really are a lot of action scenes in this series, up until now I can still handle them. Soon there will be scenes of jumping from roof to roof as well as under-the-car dangerous stunts on highways. I'm feeling a little stressed now."

Asked if he'll be haunted by the accident today? He said: "Yeah, if the glass piece flew a little lower, it would have hit my eye. In fact the staff standing in the positions to activate the bomb have even more pressure. Will be more careful in the future."

When reporters mentioned Ron Ng was often injuries during shooting of this series as well? Ruco said: "Really? We all have to be more careful."

It was said earlier that Ruco had just as much screen time as Ron Ng? He said: "I don't calculate how much screen time there is, just look at if there are any chances for development in the script. The most important is that we all have development for better chemistry uses."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU

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