
August 16th is G.E.M 20th birthday. Yesterday she and 70 fans celebrated at the fan gathering. Her birthday wish was to step into HK Coliseum for a part 2 to her concert. Entering the 20s, GEM smiled and said she isn't afraid of getting old and doesn't feel her birthday is anything special. She said; "It's the same every year, but the 18th birthday was just bigger, never had that many parties in history. I had a special celebration with just friends, singing friends and fans." She also urged fans to not give her any gifts, and rather they should donate the gift money to charity. She said: "I told them to write letters to me, that is more meaningful."

Looking in 10 years into the future, GEM hopes to have her own family and good achievements in her career. She said: "I feel if I'm married by age 30, it's pretty much the limit already, having kids is just too far. However, I do hope to have them early because my mom really wants me to have kids. Our relationship is very close, I don't want my kids to have too much of a gap." When reporters asked if she received rumored boyfriend Yoga Lin's birthday gift? She said before reporters finished asking: "No! (What kind of gift do you want?) Another HK Coliseum concert."

It turns out that GEM's company already applied for Part 2 to her concert in September, and will know the answer tomorrow. GEM laughed: "I wanted to get the answer on my birthday and announce the good news too. If all works out, fans can buy another ticket and give it to me as a birthday gift." Or will there a human fast delivery to HK to surprise her? She laughed: "I don't know, I don't want to be frightened. The most frightening is the HK Coliseum concert doesn't approve." She smiled and said her company loves taking risks. If the application is successful, there will be less than a month before the concert, even promotions can't be done in time. She said: "Luckily, my preparations are doing OK because late this month, I will be heading over to Australia for a tour, lately I have been rehearsing constantly."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @

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