First day into the year of the Tiger, a heartbreaking news emerged in the fashion world. Regarded as the "bad boy" British fashion designer Alexander McQueen committed suicide this Thursday, he died at the age of 40. A group of Hong Kong loyal artist fans expressed their grief, among them were Joey Yung and Wyman Wong.

The day before yesterday, Alexander McQueen hanged himself at his home in London, ending his brilliant yet short 40 year life. Yesterday morning at 10am, the ambulance arrived at the scene and took the body away after 45 minutes. It was said that McQueen committed suicide because he couldn't bear with the fact that his mother died. The police expressed that McQueen that there are no other suspicions to his death, but discovered that there was injury on his hand. It is believed that it is not his first attempt for suicide. Once the news broke out about McQueen's death, fans from all over the world expressed their pain, including Joey Yung who had just released her EP with costumes designed by McQueen.

Joey frankly said that McQueen's departure is a great loss to the fashion design world: "Such a talented person leaving this world, it is truly a pity. I really like him and I have supported him for several years, I personally waited many years before I got a chance to wear his designed clothing to the Chik Chak Awards Ceremony. As the red furry costume I wore for my latest EP was also designed by McQueen! (It was rumored that he couldn't accept the fact that his mother died?) It is important to be filial, but if I were his mom, I wouldn't want to see my son doing such thing. Maybe because he's a designer and an artist therefore is more sentimental, couldn't think clearly at that moment and decided to go down that path."

Wyman Wong was extremely sad: "People who like fashion will like McQueen. He is a British fashion designer, he and I are the same year. Actually his designs from the past two seasons, I really liked. As a fashion designer, he has passed in a lot of homework, leaving a really good memory for everything, wonder if there will be any shows by him in the future? Maybe in the next month there will be a release of new male fashion designed by him."

Kelly Chen who also wore clothing designed by McQueen expressed that he's a person with special talent. She felt that everything has a solution to it, shouldn't choose to end your life.

William So had been a fan of McQueen's designs since 1995 and was very emotional when he heard about his death: "As a fashion designer's fan, I know this news is very hard to bear!"

Gigi Leung: "A pity, McQueen he is too smart with great talent. Perhaps because he was too focused on his designs that he neglected his inner feelings. Actually he also need people to care about him! I hope in the future when people experience loss of a loved one, they can face with courage, don't choose to commit suicide. There are many people around you that loves and cares about you!"

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU

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