Fala Chen was at a jewelry event yesterday, and when she was asked about her rumour regarding wedding pictures, Fala smiled and said, "It's an advertisement for wedding pictures, and I will be taking them with Steven Ma". (Will you ask your boyfriend to take part in the picture?) "No, as the the contract states it will be with Steven Ma".

As for Marie Zhuge's "not letting go words" regarding Fala's rumoured marriage, Fala said, "I will not answer, as I have already replied. I do not want to reply to any questions about Miss Zhuge". (Did Mother Sit give orders for you to seal your lips?) "Nobody told me to not say anything. Do not make false accusations".

Marie Zhuge expressed earlier that she would not keep her marriage a secret. Fala agrees that marriage is a big part of life, and it will need a great deal of planning. (When are you planning to get married?) Fala said, "It needs planning, as it is a very important decision because it will involve many people, and it is not a one person matter. It will certainly need a great deal of planning". (Will you get married this year?) "Don't know, but it will definitely be glamorous, as it will one of life's most beautiful moments".

On the other hand, Marie Zhuge was at an event in Habour City, and she seemed well prepared during the interview. She said, "I will no longer respond to false and exaggerating reports. I will just laugh after reading them. It is most important to celebrate the new year happily. If there is anything that I've done poorly, I will do better in the future". (Did someone from behind tell you to seal your lips?) "I will no longer respond. I only want the elderly to be happy".

Credits: hyn5 @ http://hyn5-hyn5.blogspot.com

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